Thought I could add some spice to your life...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Suhridi vehemently claims that she exists. Going a step further, she claims that she exists even outside the virtual world. Well, she cooks. And eats. Therefore she exists in the real world. Admitted.

And the sweet lady has sent a new sweet recipe. This is "Mishti Doi". I dont know how it translates into English. It is surely not sweet curd or sweet yogurt. The closest translation is "Abracadabra", for it indeed does magical things to your taste buds.

Bhapa Doi / Mishti Doi

(Suhridi Basu)

'Gati' has pestered me so much for another recipe on Kolkata sweets, that I am starting to get the feeling that probably he thinks that i am a sweetmaker like nabin moyra or ganguram.... just kidding :-) So here is another recipe on his request.


Yogurt or home made curd, Condensed milk, Evaporated milk

Mix yogurt, condensed milk and evaporated milk in ratio of 2:1:1. Mix very well, so that a fine mixture is made. Pour the mixture in a baking tray and put in oven at around 170-200F for 1 Hr approx. Check from time to time to see if the mixture has turned more like the curd we know, by cutting through with a knife. Garnish with pista pieces and refrigerate. Serve chilled.

And chill out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, can you help me? I'm trying to contact other people with similar interests to myself, e.g. cookery & in particular, low fat cooking. Do you know of anyone who has used this site (low fat cooking)?

05 January, 2006


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